Sunday, January 21, 2018

National Hugging Day

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national hugging DAY

an annual event dedicated to hugging. It was created by Kevin Zaborneyand occurs annually on January 21. The day was first celebrated on January 21, 1986 in Clio, Michigan, USA. The holiday is also observed in many other countries.The idea of National Hug Day is to encourage everyone to hug family and friends more often.Zaborney cautions to ask first if one is unsure of the response.

Kevin Zaborney is credited with coming up with the idea of National Hugging Day in 1986. It was included in Chase's Calendar of Events; Zaborney's friend at the time was the granddaughter of the proprietors of the publication. He chose January 21 as it fell between the Christmas and New Year's Holidays and Valentine's Day and birthdays when he found people are generally in low spirits. Zaborney considered that "American society is embarrassed to show feelings in public" and hoped that a National Hugging Day would change that,

The Dazzling Ladybie

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

World Laughing Day

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The first celebration was on January 10, 1998, in Mumbai, India, and was arranged by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement. positive and powerful emotion that has all the ingredients required for individuals to change themselves and to change the world in a peaceful and positive way.

World Laughter Day was created in 1998 by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement. Dr. Kataria, a family doctor in India, was inspired to start the Laughter Yoga movement in part by the facial feedback hypothesis, which postulates that a person's facial expressions can have an effect on their emotions. The celebration of World Laughter Day is a positive manifestation for world peace and is intended to build up a global consciousness of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. It is most often celebrated by gatherings of people in public places with the sole purpose of laughing. Its popularity has grown exponentiallywith that of the Laughter Yoga movement now counting thousands of Laughter Clubs in more than 105 countries.

The Dazzling Ladybie

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Happy Birthday Ladybie

a quick post..
just to wish
Image result for birthday

to me myself..
yeah... today is my birthday...

The Dazzling Ladybie

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Cara Ladybie Buat Saving

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hye guys...
kali nie Bie nak kongsi sikit tips macam mana i buat my savings.

from previous sharing..  i ada share
  how kawal my financial flow cara Ladybie
hope its helpful..

kali nie.. Bie nak share pasal topik hari ni..
cara ladybie buat saving

motto saving Ladybie senang je..

"Biar sikit tapi masih menyimpan dan teruskan"

sebelum kita nak menyimpan..
kita kena tahu berapa banyak kita boleh menyimpan..
nak tahu bende tu..
ni formula dia


senang je kan..
Income = duit yang anda dapat setiap bulan
Commitment = Duit yang anda kena bayar setiap bulan
Balance/Saving = Lebihan duit yang boleh dibelanjakan atau disimpan


- monthly expenses (rumah sewa, minyak moto/kete, tol, makan, minum, bills)
- loan (loan study, loan kete, loan rumah, loan peribadi)
- duit bg mak ayah
- miscellenous (roadtax, cukai2, toileteries)

*part hutang tu saja nak highlight... sebab selalunya orang suka BUAT BUAT LUPA kat hutang... dan dengan sengaja nak melanjutkan tempoh hutang dengan alasan TAK CUKUP DUIT .. tak baik buat macam tu... DOSA TAU ~!!!!!! *

The Dazzling Ladybie

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Cara Ladybie Kawal Kewangan 2

according to my sharing yang lepas lepas..
"Cara Ladybie Kawal Kewangan" 
*tekan je kat link tu.. untuk ke post tersebut*

so.. kali ni i share
cara ladybie kawal kewangan
part 2
 hahaha.. bersambung..

kalau last time i share how i put budget on my weekly expenses..
kali ni i share mind setting pula..

i suka makan.. and kalau boleh.. xmau la nampak macam orang nazak bila tiba hujung bulan..
kalau boleh.. apa yang kita dapat ni boleh bertahan sampai kita dapat duit baru..

Dapat duit... beli itu.. beli ini.. makan itu.. makan ini..  hujung bulan melanguk tengok bulan dan bintang sambil makan meggi tiap hari.. tak pon nasi dengan telur sampai tunggu duit masuk. 

Ni antara mindset yang tak sihat..
kenapa i cakap tak sihat.???
normally pada hujung bulan tu.. kita akan start merungut and put pressure untuk cepat la gaji/elaun masuk.. sebab tak tahan makan megi dan nasi bujang tiap hari.

Dapat duit.. Joli sana sini.. Beli sana sini.. Jalan Sana Sini.. Bila duit dah habis.. kita dok diam je kat rumah.. tunggu 'ehsan' kawan belanja or  ikat perut 

ni pon jenis tak sihat..
tp.. i lebih suka gelarkan "LUPA DIRI"
masa ada duit.. xingat hari esok..
dah terdesak.. mintak belas ihsan pulak..
xsyiok la kalau macam tu

so.. kat sini sebenarnya kita perlukan


kekuatan mental and mind setting
kenapa ia penting? sebab yang ni la yang kawal akal & nafsu..
tipulah kadang kala tak terbabas..
tapi pastikan kita mampu overcome apa yang kita dah TERlanggar tu..

- letak target bulanan
- selia target bulanan
- apa yang patut dibuat untuk kawal


semua bende perlu ada rancangan
so.. buat rancangan anda sendiri..

- berapa banyak nak jimat/saving
- yang mana keperluan dan kehendak
- yang mana perlu dan tak perlu
- kat mana nak beli... 
- kat mana yang kita boleh kurangkan lagi..
- how much to spend this month


financial mindset and planning akan hancur dan sia sia kalau anda tak urus dengan betul
bila dh buat mind setting
dah buat planning.
so.. kena la urus dengan baik according to the plan

The Dazzling Ladybie

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Korean for Dinner Tonight

Since me and Cik Fatin doesnt wanna go back early..
and donno where to go...
and what to do..
then we decided to go for a food hunt..

today we choose to go for KOREAN Delight as for dinner..
i yg mengidam sebenanrnya..
dah lama x makan..
Cik Fatin pon jalankan aje.. ahahhaa

so.. yeahh..
we choose to go to Ko Hyang Korean Delights at Midvalley..
sebab dekat dengan office..

part of the menu

Su Jae Bi

this is mine... hehehe.. nyums nyums nyums..
lets eat...

actually kat Ko Hyang Korean Delights ni..
my fav is dia punya banchan (side dishes)
i suka honey anchovies tu...
sedappp hokeyyy..

so.. sesapa yang teringin nk try..
boleh la ke MIDVALLEY
dekat MBC Fruit
Dia mcm laluan dr Midvalley nak ke The Gardens..
try look up.. nice..

The Dazzling Ladybie