Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Interview Cikgu MARA

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interview cikgu mara

this post i nk share ape yang candidates kena hadap masa dipanggil interview untuk memohon sebagai guru di sekolah naungan MARA.

sebelum dipanggil interview ni..
biasalah.. kne mohon..
then.. ada online application kena isi..

bila dah lengkap.. and layak..
dipanggil pula untuk interview...

heh.. bukan interview saja yee..
ada few session yang kena uji sekali..
basically ni laaaa ujian2 dia..

Ujian Fitness ni dibuat awal pagi... haa.. korang datang awal2 ni terus pakai baju sukan.. register.. dapat nombor... then... dengarlah taklimat...  pastu dibahagi kepada kumpulan and buat fitness test.. 

Image result for bleep test

BLEEP TEST - The 20m multistage fitness test (MSFT) is a commonly used maximal running aerobic fitness test.

procedure: This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in time to recorded beeps. For this reason the test is also often called the 'beep' or 'bleep' test. The participants stand behind one of the lines facing the second line, and begin running when instructed by the recording. The speed at the start is quite slow. The subject continues running between the two lines, turning when signaled by the recorded beeps. After about one minute, a sound indicates an increase in speed, and the beeps will be closer together. This continues each minute (level). If the line is reached before the beep sounds, the subject must wait until the beep sounds before continuing. If the line is not reached before the beep sounds, the subject is given a warning and must continue to run to the line, then turn and try to catch up with the pace within two more ‘beeps’. The test is stopped if the subject fails to reach the line (within 2 meters) for two consecutive ends after a warning.

scoring: The athlete's score is the level and number of shuttles (20m) reached before they were unable to keep up with the recording. Record the last level completed (not necessarily the level stopped at). This norms table below is based on personal experience, and gives you a very rough idea of what level score would be expected for adults, using the standard Australian beep test version. There is a more detailed table of norms for the beep test. This level score can be converted to a VO2max equivalent score using this calculator. You may also wish to download the Beep Test Recording Sheet.

for this bleep test.. please please please TAKE BREAKFAST... ENOUGH SLEEP.. GOOD SHAPE & FIT.. DRINK WATER... 

yang psychometric ni more into psychology and personality questions.. online questions.. 

Psychometric tests are a standard and scientific method used to measure individuals' mental capabilities and behavioural style. Psychometric tests are designed to measure candidates' suitability for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities).

microteaching pula... macam korang buat kelas pengajaran kat students.. basically pilih topic and subjek ikut subjek yang ditawarkan kepada anda.. and korang akan bentangkan / buat sesi pembelajaran di depan judges..  ala.. macam korang main cikgu cikgu masa kecik dulu.. 


interview ni pulak macam biasalah.. interview... korang studylah apa yang korang rasa patut korang tahu... sebab soalan dia berbeza ikut orang yang menyoal... and ni dibuat ikut group.. so.. jangan jadi terlalu pasif dan jangan terlalu agresif.. pepandai la korang bawa diri... show ur talent, ur thoughts and opinions.. 

so... sesiapa yang dipanggil untuk permohonan cikgu MARA ni..
ni la antara yang korang kena lalui..


The Dazzling Ladybie

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