Monday, December 21, 2015

REVIEW: Star Wars: The Force Awaken

Star Wars : The Force Awaken.

alhamdulillah.. semalam i berkesempatan nak tonton citer STAR WARS : THE FORCE AWAKEN yang tengah hot & meletop kat pawagan sekarang ni. 

General Hux

The Galactic Empire was defeated thirty years ago. The Galaxy is now facing a new threat: a new faction named the First Order. Their main mission is to rule the Galaxy and destroy all who oppose them. Their commander is a ruthless, mysterious, powerful Sith, Kylo Ren. Kylo has an ambition to find and kill the last Jedi who is able to restore order and revive the Jedi ways, Luke Skywalker. Luke's unknown location is also a main concern for General Leia Organa, a General from the Resistance that now trying to find him too. Han Solo and Chewbacca meet some new companions: Finn, a defective First Order Stormtrooper, and Ray, a scavenger from the Jakku planet who acquired Lukes location through a BB-8 rolling droid. This unexpected team is forced not only to fight and resist the First Order, but also to find Luke Skywalker.

so basically citer ni ialah citer fiksyen ala-ala angkasa & cakerawala... ala-ala universe gitu.
dari segi jalan cerita.. i macam blur sikit sebab i xberapa nak follow citer Star Wars ni.. walaupon i ada juga la tengok few movies Star Wars ni...
dari segi penceritaan.. ade juga la lopong sana sini sikit..
sebab few persoalan yang tak terjawab lagi... macam tanda tanya... macam magic sikit sikit pun ade juga.
cinematography memang terbaik...
angle, background, view memang fantastic..
i tengok kat Cathay Cineplex, E@Curve and sound system dia power..
sampai buat i terasa macam i sekali berlakon tu.. haha..

Darth Vader

actually im not a fan of action movies...
but, this movie mampu buat i stay & tengok sampai habis..
buat i rasa im part of the story..
siap buat action berlawan2 ala2 bawak jet pejuang sekali dengan Poe (watak dalam citer).

ni pon namanye citer fiksyen..
citer rekaan.. yang kadang-kadang jalan citer dia a sikit pelik & x masuk akal..
but interesting to watch..

Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux

cuma tertanya juga...
why pelakon utama (lelaki) tak encem ha...
Finn x encem... Darth Vader x encem...
oh why????
nasib baik General Hux encem kacak bergaya...
boleh la i cuci mata... hehe..

pada yang belom tengok lagi..
i syorkan korang pergi tengok...
for me, worth it la untuk ditonton...

The Dazzling Ladybie

p/s: lepas ni nak ajak pi tengok industan la plak... Dilwale.. mana tau boleh joget2 dalam wayang pulak ke... hehee.. 

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